Transitional Housing

For individuals who require a longer period of support, we offer transitional housing programs. These programs provide a bridge between temporary accommodation and permanent housing.

Collaborative Partnerships

By fostering strong partnerships, we maximize our impact and ensure a holistic approach to addressing the housing needs of vulnerable populations.

Holistic Support Services

We provide a range of support services to help individuals and families achieve their goals and improve their quality of life.

We are committed to you

Our Supportive Housing Solutions

NewGenCareGroup Ltd is committed to providing ethical housing solutions for vulnerable populations, including the homeless, abuse victims, and refugees. We work closely with various boroughs in the UK to address the housing needs of these individuals and ensure they have access to safe and secure accommodation.

See Our Approach

What do you get ?

No need to be concerned; we'll come out and discuss your requirements.

Affordable and Accessible Housing

We believe that affordable and accessible housing is a fundamental right for all individuals. We collaborate with local authorities and housing associations to develop housing options that are affordable and tailored to the specific needs of our clients. Our goal is to provide comfortable and sustainable housing solutions that promote long-term stability and independence.

Temporary Accommodation

Recognizing the immediate needs of homeless individuals, abuse victims, and refugees, we offer temporary accommodation as a short-term solution. Our temporary housing facilities are designed to be safe, clean, and supportive environments where individuals can find stability while working towards permanent housing options. We ensure that these accommodations are equipped with basic amenities and support services, including counseling and access to healthcare.

Transitional Housing

For individuals who require a longer period of support, we offer transitional housing programs. These programs provide a bridge between temporary accommodation and permanent housing. During their stay in transitional housing, individuals receive comprehensive support services, including case management, life skills training, employment assistance, and access to educational opportunities. Our aim is to empower individuals to rebuild their lives and successfully transition into independent living.

Collaborative Partnerships

We understand that addressing the housing crisis requires a collective effort. Therefore, we actively collaborate with local boroughs, housing associations, charities, and community organizations to pool resources, expertise, and funding. By fostering strong partnerships, we maximize our impact and ensure a holistic approach to addressing the housing needs of vulnerable populations.

Holistic Support Services

At NewGenCareGroup, we recognize that housing alone is not enough to address the complex challenges faced by homeless individuals, abuse victims, and refugees. We provide a range of support services, including mental health counseling, trauma-informed care, addiction recovery programs, employment support, educational opportunities, and social integration activities. Our aim is to address the underlying issues and help individuals rebuild their lives with dignity and purpose.

Sustainability and Ethical Practices

We are committed to environmental sustainability and ethical practices in our housing solutions. We prioritize energy-efficient designs, renewable energy sources, and sustainable construction materials. Our goal is to create housing options that minimize our ecological footprint and contribute to a healthier, greener future for all.


We have established strong partnerships with numerous London Boroughs and more than 50 third sector organizations to collaborate on projects and provide housing solutions to individuals in need. Our dedicated and multi-disciplinary team comprises property managers, compliance officers, and floating support officers who work together to ensure the successful delivery of our housing initiatives.

We specialize in providing housing to the following groups

Key Workers

Recognizing the invaluable contributions of key workers in our society, we prioritize offering housing options specifically tailored to their needs. Key workers, including healthcare professionals, teachers, emergency service personnel, and essential service providers, can rely on us to provide affordable and suitable housing that accommodates their unique circumstances.

Care Leavers

We understand the challenges faced by young people transitioning from the care system into independent living. We work closely with local authorities to offer safe and supportive housing options for care leavers. Our aim is to provide a nurturing environment that fosters their personal development, helps them acquire essential life skills, and facilitates a smooth transition into adulthood.

Street Homeless

Addressing the urgent needs of individuals experiencing homelessness is a key focus of our housing initiatives. Through collaborative efforts with local authorities and homelessness services, we strive to provide immediate shelter and support to those living on the streets. Our comprehensive approach includes not only safe and secure accommodation but also access to essential services such as healthcare, counseling, and assistance with securing stable employment and long-term housing.

Homeless Families

Families facing homelessness require specialized support and suitable accommodation to ensure the well-being and stability of all family members. We work closely with local authorities and family support organizations to provide housing options that cater to the unique needs of homeless families. Our aim is to offer safe and nurturing environments where families can rebuild their lives and work towards sustainable independent living.

Through our collaborative efforts with London Boroughs and third sector organizations, we are dedicated to addressing the housing needs of key workers, care leavers, street homeless individuals, and homeless families. By providing suitable accommodation and comprehensive support services, we strive to empower these individuals and enable them to lead fulfilling and dignified lives.

Who we work